New Love Story: Friends, love is a very pleasant feeling that only a true lover can feel. Life remains incomplete without love. There is a different power in love that gives a person a reason to be happy. Through this story, you will get to know better about love and true love. You will see this story matches reality.
This love story is about a boy who was unaware of the word love. He never thought about love. Let’s read the love story of that boy. This was a boy who used to be very happy. There was no sorrow in his life. His studies were not over yet. Let us tell you that the boy was very fast in his studies.
Every teacher was happy with him. When he went to the next class, a new girl was admitted. That girl was also very good at her studies. This boy was very clear of mind, he always used to talk to girls but never gave any dirty looks to them.
New Love Story of Two Unknown People

Now a new girl had come to the boy’s class. Earlier there was no conversation between these two. But they say destiny can do whatever it wants. After some days, the conversation started regarding the work related to his studies.
At first, there was very little talk, but they both enjoyed talking to each other. Both started talking a lot now. Then slowly they also started falling in love but they did not know about it. The girl soon realized that she had fallen in love. She agreed to live with the boy.
But the boy did not know anything about love. He just kept looking at her with the eyes of friendship. Time passed. Now the studies were about to end. The girl thought that the boy should say something on his behalf. But the boy still did not understand anything. After all, it was the girl who told this to her friends. Friends are both good and bad.
New Love Story is Not that Easy

But many friends of this boy were jealous of his success. Along with this, the time of examination was also coming. So the boy’s friends tried to spoil his exam. He told this to the whole school. When this matter reached the teacher, he could not believe it after this thing reached the boy also.
Now whenever he used to come to school, he had to face a lot of humiliation. Due to this he stopped talking to that girl and started getting upset. He somehow finished the exam and after that started his new life.
Happy Ending of New Love Story
Even though she got fewer marks in her exam, she is very happy today. Because after the end of his studies, he worked hard and became a big officer and now married that girl. That boy also loved that girl but he was waiting for good times.
What is True Meaning of Love? The Power of Love

Love is a feeling, which is not from the mind but from the heart and it includes many feelings and different thoughts. Love slowly moves from affection to happiness. It’s a strong attraction and a sense of personal connection that prompts her to forget all else and go with him.
To be honest, love is the meeting of two souls. Love doesn’t care about any appearance or transaction. There should be the only truth in love.
It is not necessary that the one whom we like should also like us as much. Love can happen to anyone, whoever it is. Be it a parent, sister-brother, a relative, or someone to whom you give a special place in your life.
when you love someone then it should not be expected that he loves you the same way. Just love him and make him happy, even if he is in love with someone else. It is not necessary that the person we love should become our life partner.
That is why it is said that love is selfless.
No matter how much the world separates you, if that person is in your destiny, he will always be with you.