Revenge only creates violence, not clarity and true peace. I think salvation must come from within.
Sandra Cisneros
I try to be honest about what I see and speak up rather than remain silent, especially if it means I can save lives, or serve humanity.
Sandra Cisneros
I do not see the mirror of any kind of power, male power, that is, the form of liberation. I don't believe in eye for an eye. I don't believe this is really freedom.
Sandra Cisneros
I'm a woman, and I'm Latina. These things make my writing special. Those are the things that give me the power to write.
Sandra Cisneros
Normally if you are the daughter in a Mexican family, no one wants to tell you anything; They tell you healthy lies about your family.
Sandra Cisneros
One press account said that I had become an overnight success. I thought that was the longest night ever.
Sandra Cisneros
For a writer, for the solitude of writing, you need a home, not your room.
Sandra Cisneros
I think people should read fairy tales, because we are hungry for a mythology that speaks to our fears.
Sandra Cisneros
Sometimes I feel that I cannot fully master my written and spoken Spanish, because I am so much a student of English. I'll need another life to learn it.
Sandra Cisneros
One of my favorite authors is Hans Christian Anderson. Their stories speak through time.