Worlds Women's Day Quotes

While living at home, they are like strangers, Girls are like paddy plants.

You get love with your mother, you always get caress from your sister, consider women power as worshipable, she sails across life. Man is incomplete without woman. The house is complete only with the woman.

If you respect women, then be proud of yourself rightfully. happy women's day.

Why does the world say that women are weak, even today women have the rope to run the house.

Some people say that a woman has no home but the truth is that there is no home without a woman.

Mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, you play every character very well. O woman, you make everything possible.

Every day should be in the name of a woman, she does every work without stopping. Don't dedicate just one day for her, bow down to women everyday.

My heartbeat is because of you, the agony of my breath is because of you, I myself don't know what is in me, my everything is because of you.

Salute to every form of God's most beautiful creation woman. Happy International Women's Day to all women.