Twitter Ceo: Elon Musk Quotes about Success

Never be afraid to try new things.

Elon Musk

First you have to believe something is possible, then the possibility will happen.

Elon Musk

We can either watch the change happen or be a part of the change.

Elon Musk

I guess it would be easier for ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Elon Musk

Patience is a virtue, which is very important for success. I'm learning too and it's hard.

Elon Musk

You have to be motivated enough to get something done. otherwise you'll just make yourself miserable.

Elon Musk

When it is very important to do some work. You do that work even when things are against you.

Elon Musk

Some people don't like change. But if you want to do something big then change is necessary.

Elon Musk

My big mistake is that I give more importance to a person's talent without seeing his personality.

Elon Musk

If you wake up in the morning and think that this day is going to be your best day, then it will be good.

Elon Musk