Black Section Separator

Every country is defined through its food, its music and its language.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

It's amazing how much trouble you can get into when you have nothing else to do.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

Unfortunately, America doesn't have a minister of culture, and I don't understand why. It's really bad for young people.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

All boys are into music because they love music and want to get girls too.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

I never cared about money or fame, and I don't care anymore. I follow the groove, and the money always follows me.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

I started imagining this whole different world. It was a society of musicians, a family that I hoped one day I could belong to.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

Until we were ten years old, we spent most of our lives running around the street almost like street rats.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

A good song can make a terrible singer sound good, but a good singer - you put a good song on top of that, you're in really great shape!

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

Art is as important as military defense, you know? Emotional defense is just as important.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

When you produce an album, you're dealing with it theatrically. It has to have a structure, and the internal feedback is that the ear loves it.

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Quincy Jones

Image Credit: Pxfuel