How to Improve Memory Power? Tips 

Exercising not only keeps your body fit, but it also exercises your brain. By not exercising regularly, the arteries that supply oxygen to your brain become weak.

Remove Stressors Any such thing that causes you stress, ie tension or anger, avoid such things. Too much stress can cause you depression problem.

Get proper sleep Take 7 – 8 hours of sleep daily. This will increase your memory power. With proper sleep, your brain will work actively and you will be able to remember things easily, because when we complete proper sleep, it sharpens the memory.

Write down important things, if you want to remember any important information, then write it down, writing makes it easier for us to memorize things. By writing there is oxygenated blood flow in our body and it makes the brain sharp.

Listen to music Research has shown that music is a very good way to recall memory. If you remember something while listening to a song, then later, you can recall your memory by playing that music mentally.

Give energy to your brain Just as the body needs energy to work, in the same way the brain also needs energy to sharpen memory. 50 to 60 percent weight of your brain is full fat. Fat is very helpful in increasing memory power.

Understand things by seeing them; Sometimes we remember those things which we cannot remember by reading. Means photographs, charts etc. Which are in your text book. If you are unable to remember something, then you can remember that thing by making an image of it in your mind.

Teach others what we want to remember, we remember it even by reading it aloud. Similarly, research has shown that when we read something to others, then that thing gets memorized better in our brain.

Play Crossword Puzzles, Cards Studies have shown that doing these two things regularly keeps your brain more active. That's why pick up the newspaper everyday and solve its crossword puzzles, quizzes, and play card games.

Must eat an egg in breakfast According to Larry McCleary, M. D., author of Brain trust program, egg is an ideal breakfast. Egg contains Vitamin B which burns glucose. Apart from this, green vegetables, fruits etc. are included in breakfast. Take it.