Full Attitude Life Quotes
If people want to bring you down, it means you are above them.
God give long life to my enemies so that they can see my success.
Don't talk behind my back, otherwise the whole life will be spent crying.
I'm not rich enough to buy everything, but I'm not poor enough to sell myself.
Guess my fame from this thing only those people salute me whom you salute.
It is better to walk on your feet and be determined to become something than to achieve success by falling at someone's feet.
Fame is not made by making noise, work in such a way that even the silence gets published in the newspapers.
Don't try to be like me because lions are born not made.
It is futile to go there where there is no respect, be it someone's home or someone's heart.
Our way of living is a little different, we live on our stubbornness not on hope.
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