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We have the strength, the energy, and the determination, and we will not bow to fear.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

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When politics is no longer a mission but a profession, politicians become more selfish than public servants.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

I have come to terms with the reputation the press has created for me. Judge me on my actions. That's all that matters.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

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We need people who dream the impossible, who may fail, sometimes succeed, but who still have ambition.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

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The refugee crisis is a challenge for Europe and Europe as a whole – it is a very fair point to say that it is not just an issue of security. It is also an economic issue.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

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We have a great responsibility to ensure that Europe remains a prosperous and peaceful continent.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

When the President and the Prime Minister decide to implement reforms, they have all the means necessary to pass and implement them.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

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What matters to me is finding rational solutions for those who are facing difficulties so that France preserves jobs and its ability to innovate.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

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You have to learn to fight for things, bear burdens and live a life that does not in any way match other people's lives.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel

Black Section Separator

To think that our political organization is unchangeable is the best way to consign the country to extremes.

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Emmanuel Macron

Credit: Pxfuel