I try to eat fruit and vegetables and meat and all different categories and have a well balanced diet.

Andrew Luck

My goal is to be the best quarterback for the Colts, and hope that's good enough.

Andrew Luck

There is a board game called Settlers of Catan. That's what I play I am so embarrassed.

Andrew Luck

In the 24/7 news-at-your-fingertips society we live in, it's hard not to follow the careers of other NFL quarterbacks.

Andrew Luck

I guess sometimes it's not good to be connected 24/7 to email and the internet and everything else. It's good to get away.

Andrew Luck

Food really is fuel - and hydration too - but for athletic activity, you really have to take it seriously, or else it can negatively affect your performance.

Andrew Luck

I was lucky enough at Stanford to have Vic Fangio as the defensive coordinator for a year, and then Jason Tarver.

Andrew Luck

I don't know how old my phone is, but it was only $10. It's a nice subconscious way of not having the internet at your fingertips... e-mail, Twitter or Facebook.

Andrew Luck

I realize that I am very fortunate that hopefully I will make a lot of money playing football. I don't know if I want to abuse that privilege and make myself a bigger person than I am.

Andrew Luck

Whether I am on the field or off the field, I know the importance of getting enough sleep and starting the day with a nutritious breakfast like oatmeal made with milk and fruit.

Andrew Luck