Black Section Separator

When we are growing up all kinds of people tell us what we should be when in reality we need space to decide who we should be.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I'm a big fan of the 'Democracy Now' program, which is hosted by Amy Goodman, and I subscribe to the podcast.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

Yeah, people following me on the street and at the airport and all that. I can't imagine what it must be like for people who are, you know, really famous.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

Acting is very physical, even when it is not visible. It's all about your body language through a film.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I sometimes have trouble seeing actors - even when they do a great job - with an accent.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I don't really want to do the Hollywood thing. I think you should try to say something through your films.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I'm more excited about developing my own content, or getting involved in projects early on and doing my best to create the things I care about.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I have grown up playing sports, but now I feel I cannot, because if I get injured, I will spoil whatever film I am working on.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I feel in films many a times men get roles where they create their own destiny and women are just tools, supporters for that.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx

Black Section Separator

I love playing roles that are physical, absolutely loveable. Whether it's that kind of basic level of physicality or whether it's stunts.

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Elliot Page

Image: Peakpx