Black Section Separator

I haven't seen half of the movies I've done. You know, you have to make a living, but with some I don't get along well.

White Scribbled Underline

Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

As I became active in producing my own content, I started getting other roles.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

I've only been in one fight my whole 7th grade, yet everyone thinks I'm a freak.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

I love acting. It's an interesting challenge to make something that doesn't exist seem like it is, and to do it in a realistic way.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

I'm really a homebody. Even before I had a family, I was a homebody. My days are full of household stuff.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

I think if you can strike a balance, you can make yourself and your career a lot happier and stick with this business for a while.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

The first script I got was Narc and I really responded to it; It reminded me of a movie from the 70's, I really liked the characters, I didn't guess the ending.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

You can just do independent films, but I like big studio films, at least some of them.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

I know when I go to a movie I want to feel something, whether it's to laugh, cry or feel bad.

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Ray Liotta

Black Section Separator

I'm emotionally in tune with my feelings and what people mean to me, and I have no problem saying it and relating.

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Ray Liotta