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Ever since I was a kid, I've been very interested in science - everything from quantum physics to anthropology.

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Micky Dolenz

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When I look back on my life, I wonder how I survived - my mother said I had a guardian angel.

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Micky Dolenz

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The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is not a public democratic organization; It is basically a private club. It's like a private golf club and they decide who they let into the club.

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Micky Dolenz

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There was never any pressure on me to go into business, but I was always aware of it. I used to accompany my father on the sets and he and my mother would always sing.

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Micky Dolenz

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I was taught piano at five and started playing guitar at ten, but although music and acting were always around me, my parents never put pressure on me.

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Micky Dolenz

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I am very lucky; I've never been sick - although I broke my right arm hang gliding about 20 years ago.

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Micky Dolenz

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When my Scientific American comes out every month, I read it cover to cover.

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Micky Dolenz

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What happened was, after 'Circus Boy' my parents decided to drop me out of show business for two years to go back to normal school. It was the smartest thing ever.

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Micky Dolenz

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After high school I was going to be an architect. In fact, I was studying to be an architect when the audition for 'The Monkees' came along.

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Micky Dolenz

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No matter how tired I am, I can only sleep for four hours at a time.

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Micky Dolenz