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I had some rough patches early in my career. I think I may have made some wrong choices here and there.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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I never thought, as a kid, that I would have an action figure, much less an action figure sold in a two-pack with Jake the Snake.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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We have the freedom of speech. We are able to hold hands in protest and stand up for what we believe in and listen to what people have to say.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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I just loved Jake the Snake because of the character and the way he cut a promo. That black nature of his character was amazing.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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I remember the first WrestleMania; I was four years old. No one had any idea what it would become.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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The older I get and the harder it becomes to maintain a six pack, the more I wish I could wear a tactical vest and cargo pants like Roman Reigns.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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I've main evented WrestleMania a few times, but it never gets old. It is the same with nerves.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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If Big Show lands on you when you're on the ground, you're not getting back up. He'll pick you up like a sack of crap and toss you over the top rope.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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I had to realize that everyone has an opinion, and they all have a right to feel a certain way, and you have to respect that.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx
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WWE has given me everything; It really is. My kids will go to college because of him, I don't have to worry about money because of him.
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Randy Orton
Credit: Peakpx